Documentation for this module may be created at ਮੌਡਿਊਲ:Roman/doc

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}

local function _toArabic(roman)
	-- strip non-roman numerals and convert to uppercase for parsing
	roman = string.gsub(roman, '[^IVXLCDMivxlcdm]', ''):upper()
    local numHash = { ["M"] = 1000, 
    	["D"] = 500, ["C"] = 100,
    	["L"] = 50, ["X"] = 10,
    	["V"] = 5, ["I"] = 1 }
    local total = 0    
    local i = 1
    local strlen = roman:len()
	-- get last char separately; if i >= strlen, this loop's i+1 is out of bounds
    while i < strlen do
        local thisChar = numHash[string.sub(roman, i, i)]
    	local nextChar = numHash[string.sub(roman, i + 1, i + 1)]
    	-- e.g. IX is 10 minus 1, and XL is 50 minus 10	
        if thisChar < nextChar then
            total = total + ( nextChar - thisChar )
            i = i + 2 -- consumed 2 (this + next)
            total = total + thisChar
            i = i + 1 -- consumed 1
	-- leftover from i, i+1 loop above
    if i <= strlen then total = total + numHash[string.sub(roman, i, i)] end
    return total

function p.main(frame)
	local arguments = getArgs(frame, {trim = true, removeBlanks = true})
	local numeral = arguments[1]
	if numeral == nil then return end
	if arguments.toarabic or arguments[2] == 'toarabic'
		return _toArabic(numeral)
		return 'No Mode Given'

return p