Documentation for this module may be created at ਮੌਡਿਊਲ:Artwork/Technique LUT/doc

-- Lookup Table matching item IDs which were often used by material used (P186) property to parameters recognized by {{Technique}} template.
return {
	Q207849      = "acrylic",
	Q123314      = "agate",
	Q143447      = "alabaster",
	Q580807      = "albumen print",
	Q43557297    = "paper",
	Q156         = "alcohol",
	Q28870030    = "wood",
	Q37756       = "alloy",
	Q663         = "aluminium",
	Q25381       = "amber",
	Q79058       = "amethyst",
	Q181908      = "andesite",
	Q1099        = "antimony",
	Q29838581    = "antler",
	Q58959       = "aquamarine",
	Q23775       = "aragonite",
	Q673812      = "arkose",
	Q1367022     = "ash",
	Q152079      = "ash",
	Q3179385     = "azulejo",
	Q146578      = "bakelite",
	Q275426      = "baleen",
	Q28870036    = "wood",
	Q184453      = "bark",
	Q43338       = "basalt",
	Q1053956     = "bead",
	Q998316      = "beech wood",
	Q865564      = "birch",
	Q253671      = "birch bark",
	Q804070      = "bisque",
	Q774061      = "bistre",
	Q3387833     = "black chalk",
	Q494268      = "blood",
	Q325173      = "bluestone",
	Q18668582    = "board",
	Q268146      = "board",
	Q1412495     = "lace",
	Q265868      = "bone",
	Q814769      = "bone",
	Q2534695     = "boxwood",
	Q39782       = "brass",
	Q191250      = "breccia",
	Q40089       = "brick",
	Q2916879     = "bristol board",
	Q649022      = "brocade",
	Q34095       = "bronze",
	Q614467      = "brush",
	Q1900443     = "burin",
	Q9239042     = "burin",
	Q171917      = "calcite",
	Q1631228     = "hair",
	Q4259259     = "canvas",
	Q12321255    = "canvas",
	Q18704961    = "canvas board",
	Q6432723     = "card stock",
	Q389782      = "cardboard",
	Q324369      = "carnelian",
	Q40088       = "carrara marble",
	Q28870052    = "wood",
	Q483269      = "cast iron",
	Q25816410    = "plaster",
	Q5056949     = "cedar wood",
	Q45621       = "ceramic",
	Q170448      = "chalcedony",
	Q183670      = "chalk",
	Q147690      = "chalk ",
	Q1424515     = "charcoal",
	Q177463      = "charcoal",
	Q28870512    = "wood",
	Q1121337     = "chromolithograph",
	Q42302       = "clay",
	Q28869937    = "glass",
	Q2144394     = "cloth",
	Q3342808     = "coconut",
	Q170593      = "collage",
	Q898735      = "dry plate collodion",
	Q1572315     = "collotype",
	Q1075        = "color",
	Q1783255     = "color pencil",
	Q18667172    = "composition board",
	Q22657       = "concrete",
	Q753         = "copper",
	Q518350      = "copper alloy",
	Q171446      = "coral",
	Q7463524     = "fiberboard",
	Q11457       = "cotton",
	Q11607438    = "cotton",
	Q69158       = "crayon",
	Q43533       = "crystal",
	Q28942717    = "cypress wood",
	Q179744      = "daguerreotype",
	Q912142      = "damask",
	Q5283        = "diamond",
	Q187408      = "diorite",
	Q1169888     = "distemper",
	Q1164918     = "art board",
	Q1459304     = "dry plate",
	Q189720      = "dye",
	Q1377111     = "earthenware",
	Q461714      = "ebonite",
	Q156005      = "ebony",
	Q239481      = "electrum",
	Q29838213    = "elephant ivory",
	Q29472910    = "elm wood",
	Q18281       = "embroidery",
	Q28966302    = "embroidery",
	Q43513       = "emerald",
	Q2386424     = "enamel paint",
	Q209671      = "faience",
	Q81025       = "feather",
	Q50998618    = "feather",
	Q189964      = "felt",
	Q161         = "fiber",
	Q1397443     = "fiberboard",
	Q7224880     = "fiberglass",
	Q1001313     = "filigree",
	Q746026      = "fir wood",
	Q83087       = "flint",
	Q25631150    = "fresco",
	Q383361      = "frit",
	Q197204      = "fur",
	Q1057775     = "iron",
	Q105368      = "garnet",
	Q83437       = "gemstone",
	Q1514256     = "gesso",
	Q1334300     = "gilding",
	Q11469       = "glass",
	Q1013808     = "glass etching",
	Q5861        = "glass fiber",
	Q3411508     = "glass paste",
	Q335404      = "glaze",
	Q3374395     = "glue-size",
	Q897         = "gold",
	Q208045      = "gold",
	Q929186      = "gold leaf",
	Q8191842     = "gouache",
	Q204330      = "gouache",
	Q41177       = "granite",
	Q3115353     = "granite",
	Q215690      = "granodiorite",
	Q5309        = "graphite",
	Q133833      = "gravel",
	Q5604583     = "greenstone (archaeology)",
	Q917545      = "greywacke",
	Q750197      = "grisaille",
	Q535814      = "gum arabic",
	Q82658       = "gypsum",
	Q28472       = "hair",
	Q1251688     = "hardboard",
	Q1587663     = "hard-paste porcelain",
	Q2266509     = "hardwood",
	Q336128      = "hair",
	Q103223      = "hematite",
	Q7150699     = "hemp",
	Q3291230     = "hide",
	Q4131010     = "glass",
	Q2412125     = "highlight",
	Q29838373    = "horn",
	Q82025       = "horn",
	Q964736      = "horsehair",
	Q12981547    = "india ink",
	Q127418      = "ink",
	Q756712      = "ink wash",
	Q677         = "iron",
	Q82001       = "ivory",
	Q175089      = "jade",
	Q422173      = "jadeite",
	Q201175      = "jasper",
	Q107211      = "jute",
	Q1761876     = "wood",
	Q231250      = "lace",
	Q11236878    = "lacquer",
	Q1513685     = "laid paper",
	Q2269650     = "lampas",
	Q216798      = "lapis lazuli",
	Q1879281     = "larch wood",
	Q708         = "lead",
	Q392551      = "lead glass",
	Q286         = "leather",
	Q28871667    = "wood",
	Q575018      = "lime",
	Q250423      = "lime",
	Q13195       = "lime",
	Q23757       = "limestone",
	Q1426327     = "linen",
	Q15123870    = "lithograph",
	Q133036      = "lithography",
	Q239788      = "mahogany",
	Q29000384    = "mail",
	Q622753      = "maiolica",
	Q11224919    = "mammoth ivory",
	Q402516      = "maple",
	Q40861       = "marble",
	Q1049923     = "marquetry",
	Q1808397     = "masonite",
	Q11426       = "metal",
	Q3510770     = "metallic thread",
	Q114675      = "mica",
	Q1902763     = "mixed media",
	Q2118555     = "morocco leather",
	Q133067      = "mosaic",
	Q219423      = "mural",
	Q1543962     = "muschelkalk",
	Q725457      = "muslin",
	Q215865      = "nacre",
	Q138979      = "nephrite",
	Q11032       = "newsprint",
	Q203874      = "nickel silver",
	Q1164661     = "niello",
	Q2075708     = "oak wood",
	Q53754       = "obsidian",
	Q194191      = "ochre",
	Q42962       = "oil",
	Q296955      = "oil",
	Q174705      = "oil",
	Q625960      = "glass",
	Q35101402    = "wood",
	Q180884      = "onyx",
	Q174219      = "paint",
	Q3305213     = "painting",
	Q1348059     = "panel",
	Q1366174     = "panel",
	Q11472       = "paper",
	Q14934005    = "paperboard",
	Q899363      = "papier-mâché",
	Q226697      = "parchment",
	Q2052367     = "parian marble",
	Q189085      = "pastel",
	Q428352      = "patina",
	Q43436       = "pearl",
	Q1964340     = "pearwood",
	Q14673       = "pebble",
	Q165447      = "pen",
	Q14674       = "pencil",
	Q673492      = "pentelic marble",
	Q49465334    = "photocopy",
	Q1439639     = "photoengraving",
	Q125191      = "photograph",
	Q912760      = "photographic paper",
	Q1138868     = "photograph",
	Q11633       = "photograph",
	Q1044853     = "pietra dura",
	Q161179      = "pigment",
	Q1503211     = "pine",
	Q274988      = "plaster",
	Q572879      = "plaster",
	Q11474       = "plastic",
	Q880         = "platinum",
	Q219803      = "plywood",
	Q22083451    = "plywood",
	Q183127      = "polychromy",
	Q146559      = "polyester resin",
	Q291034      = "poplar wood",
	Q130693      = "porcelain",
	Q337238      = "porphyry",
	Q4990682     = "gemstone",
	Q2307034     = "wood",
	Q11060274    = "print",
	Q50769       = "pyrite",
	Q43010       = "quartz",
	Q237883      = "quartzite",
	Q323021      = "rattan",
	Q928240      = "marble",
	Q1349162     = "reed pen",
	Q184190      = "concrete",
	Q145205      = "resin",
	Q190727      = "rhyolite",
	Q1066536     = "rice paper",
	Q31029       = "rope",
	Q2167119     = "rose granite",
	Q122421      = "rosewood",
	Q43088       = "ruby",
	Q28738320    = "sacrificial matter",
	Q34679       = "sand",
	Q13085       = "sandstone",
	Q901944      = "sanguine",
	Q127583      = "sapphire",
	Q14298       = "satin",
	Q15315       = "schist",
	Q22569957    = "screen-printing",
	Q213096      = "shell",
	Q10967610    = "gemstone",
	Q767608      = "sepia",
	Q1312705     = "sheet iron",
	Q211367      = "sheet metal",
	Q429659      = "shellac",
	Q37681       = "silk",
	Q1090        = "silver",
	Q317802      = "silver",
	Q390584      = "silver-gilt",
	Q207079      = "slate",
	Q17105928    = "soft-paste porcelain",
	Q252108      = "softwood",
	Q2046308     = "spruce",
	Q1473346     = "stained glass",
	Q172587      = "stainless steel",
	Q707896      = "steatite",
	Q11427       = "steel",
	Q31576       = "sterling silver",
	Q22731       = "stone",
	Q830894      = "stoneware",
	Q160066      = "straw",
	Q33526       = "stucco",
	Q909391      = "taffeta",
	Q184296      = "tapestry",
	Q2048129     = "teak",
	Q175166      = "tempera",
	Q60424       = "terracotta",
	Q28823       = "textile",
	Q1096        = "tin",
	Q134985      = "topaz",
	Q1143474     = "tracing paper",
	Q28869935    = "glass",
	Q187156      = "travertine",
	Q193685      = "tufa",
	Q646051      = "tulle",
	Q165254      = "turquoise",
	Q81683       = "varnish",
	Q378274      = "vellum",
	Q243519      = "velvet",
	Q213371      = "enamel",
	Q208021      = "walnut",
	Q2288038     = "walnut wood",
	Q50030       = "watercolor",
	Q22915256    = "watercolor",
	Q18761202    = "watercolor",
	Q124695      = "wax",
	Q17443567    = "encaustic painting",
	Q297216      = "paper",
	Q1024124     = "steel",
	Q1559132     = "wood",
	Q551997      = "wire",
	Q287         = "wood",
	Q42329       = "wool",
	Q11547758    = "wool",
	Q572813      = "worsted",
	Q21279007    = "wove paper",
	Q5295538     = "fabric",
	Q860451      = "wrought iron",
	Q28942722    = "yew wood",
	Q758         = "zinc"